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Fried Artichokes

These crunchy, savory fried morsels are easier to prepare than you might think.

SERVES 4 to 6

TIME 50 minutes

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 (14.5-ounce) can crushed tomatoes
¼ teaspoon table salt
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
⅛ teaspoon sugar
1¼ cups all-purpose flour
¼ cup cornstarch
1 tablespoon granulated garlic
2 teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon pepper
1½ pounds frozen quartered artichoke hearts, thawed and patted dry
1 quart vegetable or peanut oil for frying


1. FOR THE MARINARA SAUCE:  Heat oil and garlic in small saucepan over medium heat, stirring frequently, until fragrant but not browned, about 2 minutes. Stir in tomatoes and salt and simmer until slightly thickened, about 5 minutes. Stir in Parmesan and sugar. Remove from heat; cover to keep warm.

2. FOR THE ARTICHOKES: Whisk flour, cornstarch, granulated garlic, salt, baking powder, and pepper together in large bowl. Add artichokes to flour mixture and toss with your hands to coat evenly.

3. Set wire rack in rimmed baking sheet and line with triple layer of paper towels. Heat oil in Dutch oven over medium-high heat to 375 degrees.

4. Gently shake off excess flour mixture from half of artichokes and carefully add to hot oil. Immediately stir with spider skimmer or slotted spoon to break up clumps. Fry until artichokes are golden brown, 5 to 7 minutes. (Adjust burner, if necessary, to maintain oil temperature around 350 degrees.)

5. Transfer fried artichokes to prepared rack. Return oil to 375 degrees and repeat with remaining artichokes. Transfer fried artichokes to platter and serve immediately with sauce.