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Trump thinks he can cash in on Engoron fraud ruling: ex-Trump Org exec

Speaking with MSNBC host Ali Velshi on Saturday morning, former Trump executive vice president Barbara Res claimed she was not surprised Donald Trump's financial antics caught up with him in Judge Arthur Engoron's courtroom leading to a monumental judgment that could top $450 million.

According to Res, Trump knew what he was doing when he committed financial fraud, but had been brought up to never admit when he was wrong and he is likely already trying to figure out how to cash in on the latest notorious chapter of his life.

"Last year, you said to CNN, you thought that Donald Trump was enjoying this process. Do you think he still is?" hoist Velshi asked.

"I don't think he likes getting buffeted around and things being said about him that are so awful, such as what was in the ruling" she told the host. "But I think that he is okay with it to the extent that he can spin it. And he has already started that. "

"I think it's hard, he believes, one, he's gonna get away with it. And two, he thinks that he can make money off of this somehow— get more fundraising, more people to feel sorry for him. 'Oh my god, look what they're doing to Trump. He must be president, let's give him some money.'"