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Canada's Trudeau on shaky ground after key ally pulls support

STORY: "Today, I notified the Prime Minister that I have ripped up the supply and confidence agreement."

Canada’s left-leaning New Democratic Party delivered an unexpected blow to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday.

"The Liberals have let people down."

In a video posted on social media, its leader said the party will no longer automatically support Trudeau’s minority Liberal government.

That means Trudeau will be forced to strike new alliances to keep governing.

He dismissed talks of an early election, vowing to stay on and continue pushing through social programs.

"I'm not focused on politics. I'll let other parties focus on politics. I'm focused on actually delivering the things that Canadians told me this summer they need."

Under the 2022 deal, the NDP agreed to keep Trudeau in power until mid-2025 in return for more social spending.

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh accused the Prime Minister of not being able to take on the opposition Conservatives.

“The Liberals are too weak, too selfish, and too beholden to corporate interests to fight for people. They cannot be the change - they cannot restore the hope.”

Trudeau first took office in November 2015.

Polls suggest he is suffering from voter fatigue, with the Conservatives forecasted to easily win an upcoming election.

Canadians must head to the polls by the end of October 2025.