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Holy Spirit Relationship

Good sense wins favor, but the way of the faithless leads to their destruction.  ––Proverbs 13:15 NCB

How many believers have you encountered who gave the appearance that everything was solidly put together on the outside, but inside life was full of pain from relational, moral, spiritual and emotional traumas? So often, what we see underneath is an undiagnosed or untreated spiritual fracture in a person’s relationship with the Holy Spirit.

By default, when relationship with the Holy Spirit is blocked or otherwise disrupted, that person loses the functional power of his spiritual life to help him grow, change, heal, and experience health in his relationship with God and people. Such men try to move things forward but they just don’t have the inner strength and spiritual power to do it. They don’t know the “how to. ”Ignorance incapacitates them. I say “them,” but I think most—if not all—of us have had at least a moment or season where we felt this way: spiritually impotent.

The most prominent way our relationship with the Holy Spirit is broken is the lie. We lie to the Holy Spirit when we wear the mask of faith in order to deliver pleasure, satisfaction, or approval to our flesh. His character will not allow deception of any kind. Satan’s work is subtle, and we must be diligent to always examine our motives. We ask questions:

  • Am I doing this to please God or man?
  • Will this thought or action draw me closer or further away from God?
  • What are the consequences of this potential decision?
We find that many Christians don’t know how to address such disconnection with the Spirit because they don’t know what spiritual fractures look like when it comes to their relationship with Him. The good news is that regardless of the severity of the fracture it can be realigned like a broken bone in our body. The Holy Spirit is still in our physical body, still being held together by the structure of faith and still holding the potential to powerfully heal us and make us spiritually stronger than we were before.

He wants you to be filled with the Holy Spirit, so ask Him. He loves you so much that He will always answer the call.

Father, help me to be true to myself and others.