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The End Game

"Then Jesus approached them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the world.” ––Matthew 28:18-20

God has made it clear; He has an End Game.

Let’s look at the sequence of events in getting to the end game. First the revelation through the Old Testament that man is incapable of keeping the law. God contrasts the Law versus Grace, Old and New. The Father’s wisdom reveals our need for contrast. There is no understanding of light unless we experience darkness. There is no understanding of yes, unless we understand no.

The greatness of the New Covenant of grace is not apparent unless contrasted by the Old Covenant. When a non-believer is approached regarding being saved, many times the answer is, “Am I saved from what?”

I hope I’ve made my point.

Now let’s look at His End Game in His purpose for creating our existence. He is love personified. He has provided an environment where love can work its wonder. The workings of love, however, can only be manifested through humanity given a choice. For example I cannot love my wife unless there is a process of selection which can only happen through choice. He has given everyone who is reading this a choice. God’s love is experienced by either acceptance through faith of His love or walking away from it. That’s it. Two choices. Two kingdoms. One dark, one light.

The evidence of your choice is sharing it with others. Thus Matthew 28:19 which says, in essence: Share the Good News! The End Plan revealed. Joy to the world, the Lord has come into my life!

Father, may Your love for me be radiated to others by “a cup of cold water in Your name.”