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Trump proposes role for Musk on an 'efficiency commission'


STORY: Donald Trump says he would tap Elon Musk to serve in his administration if he wins November's US presidential election.

Trump said Thursday he'd make good on Elon's offer to serve under him - by putting him charge of an efficiency task force.

"I will create a Government Efficiency Commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms. We need to do it - can't go on the way we are now. And Elon, because he's not very busy, has agreed to head that task force. It would be interesting."

It was part of a wide-ranging speech where Trump laid out his economic vision -

-he also pledged to slash corporate tax rates for companies that manufacture domestically-

-establish "low-tax" zones on federal lands to encourage construction companies to build new homes

-and start a sovereign wealth fund.

He says the commission would work to eliminate 'fraud and improper payments' within six months but did not provide details on how it would operate.

Musk has already responded to Trump saying on X he's eager to serve America if given the chance, and that, quote, "No pay, no title, no recognition is needed."

The Tesla CEO mentioned in an August 19 podcast that he had discussed the commission with Trump and was interested in joining it.

Sources told Reuters Trump has been discussing the efficiency commission idea with aides for weeks.

American politicians have called for similar entities before; Republican President Ronald Reagan established the Grace Commission during his presidency.

But Trump’s proposal drew fire from Everett Kelley, president of the American Federation of Government Employees - a union that represents 750,000 federal workers.

He accuses Trump and Musk of wanting to gut the nonpartisan civil service and replace fired workers with allies.