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Responding to Grace

Dear friends,

How do you say “thank you”?

This month we explore the theme of gratitude while focusing on Ephesians 4-6. These devotional readings also prompt us to reflect on various Scripture passages to highlight many aspects of living a life of gratitude, including practical actions like showing humility, being gracious, striving for unity, and serving others.

Drawing from Scripture and from experience as a ministry leader in Burkina Faso, Marc Nabié emphasizes the call to respond to God's grace by living transformed lives. He challenges us to examine our relationships, actions, and attitudes in light of God's mercy and love.

Through reflections on honesty, self-control, and generosity, these devotions encourage readers to embrace the new life offered in Christ, embodying gratitude in every aspect of daily living. Because of Christ’s saving work on the cross, we are called to live out our gratitude in ways that reflect the transforming power of God's grace.

This month’s author, Marc Nabié, is the French-language ministry leader for ReFrame Ministries. He joined the French ministry team in Burkina Faso in 2015. He previously served as a church pastor and the director of the Léo Bible School. He has also been instrumental in planting churches in five villages in Burkina Faso. Marc received a degree in theology from Faculté Jean Calvin in France. He and his wife, Jocelyn, have three children.

As you read the Today devotions this month, may you be refreshed, refocused, and renewed in God’s Word!

Kurt Selles
Executive Editor of the Today Devotional